Alfa 156 Questions


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Viestit: 5
Liittynyt: 28 Loka 2006, 22:33

Alfa 156 Questions

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wayne »


Firstly, I would like to say "Moi" to everyone. I am an englishman living in Finland (Jokela) and own a 1999 Alfa 156.

It has just had its yearly test and I have a few things to do to it. I have had these thinsg "roughly" translated but thought I would ask you lot to hopefully clear things up.

The form states the following:

Etuakselisto, Jälkitarkastus
Ylätukivarren pallonivel ----- Edessä oikealla ----- Välyksellinen
Ylätukivarren pallonivel ----- Vasemmalla -------- Välyksellinen

(I believe these are the Upper support bar ball joints, both sides)

Taka-akselisto, Jälkitarkastus
Kallistuksen vakaajan kiinnitys ----- Oikealla ----- Välyksellinen
(Is this the anti-roll bar rubber (stabiliser bar))

Takatukivarren laakerointi ----- Vasemmalla takana ulompi ----- Välyksellinen

(not 100% sure what this is)

I have both the parts CD and Alfa Repair CD (as used by Alfa) and am quite handy with spanners etc (former saloon car racer and Pro-Karter). I have had a look already under the car and found some parts...although I think the guy was being rather "picky" (as we say) about the anti roll bar part. If someone can please explain exactly what these are I would be most grateful.



ps...anteeksi for my lack of Finnish, still trying to learn it :))

Viestit: 780
Liittynyt: 11 Maalis 2003, 13:01
Car(s): Accord :-(. ex-Alfat: 156TS, 156V6, 166TS

CBR1000RR Fireblade, Lynx Rave 600 etec
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Viesti Kirjoittaja MP »


I think your translation was pretty OK. I try to add something - hopefully helps a bit.

Etuakselisto, Jälkitarkastus = front suspension, needs inspection in revisit
Ylätukivarren pallonivel ----- Edessä oikealla ----- Välyksellinen
Ylätukivarren pallonivel ----- Vasemmalla -------- Välyksellinen

(I believe these are the Upper support bar ball joints, both sides). Yes - both upper ball joints are loose - you need to replace the upper arms.

Taka-akselisto, Jälkitarkastus = rear suspension, needs inspection in revisit as well

Kallistuksen vakaajan kiinnitys ----- Oikealla ----- Välyksellinen
(Is this the anti-roll bar rubber (stabiliser bar)) . Actually based on that it can be either right hand side anti-rollbar mounting bushing or connection rod (which connects the anti-roll bar to the suspension arm in the end of the bar) as the text is not very specific. Do you have anything else there in?

Takatukivarren laakerointi ----- Vasemmalla takana ulompi ----- Välyksellinen = Rear suspension arm mounting bush (actully Finnish text states "bearing" but I think it is bushing in real) is loose - left side - outer one (but it does not specify which arm as there are some of them). Could be the left horizontal support bar or arm or whatever is the real English term for that.

Cheers, MP

Viestit: 1034
Liittynyt: 16 Syys 2005, 15:09
Paikkakunta: Haukipudas

Viesti Kirjoittaja Silvio »

Delta auto isn´nt so bad that everyone tells you... If you are so called "first timer"with these cars,you better contact to delta... They´`ll tell you what to do,for free!! Any guestion is still welcome,dont get me wrong....
Kaikki musiikki on paskaa,paitsi hevi.Ja se se vasta paskaa onkin..

Viestit: 5
Liittynyt: 28 Loka 2006, 22:33

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wayne »


Kiitos for your replies. I have already found the problems with the front and rear anti-roll bar. Its the last one (bearing) that I cannot find anything wrong. I have checked all the arms and bushes...cannot find anyone "loose". I have raised suspension to test all the arms etc...but nothing !!!

There is one part at the bottom of the page I have not written yet. Its the following:

Edellä luetellut viat ja puutteet on korjattava mahdollisimman pian. Jälkitarkastuksessa, joka on suoritettava samalla katsastusasemalla viimeistään kohdassa 1. mainittuna päivänä, tarkastetaan tässä tarkastuskortissa mainitut viat ja puutteet.

As limited as my finnish is, I dont think this has anything to do with the probs. That is all that is written on the sheet. Wish I was actually there for the test (wife took the car)

I might contact Delta (they owe me a few favours due to breaking my windscreen and damaging the bodywork when the car was recently in for an engine rebuild...very expensive...but at leastthey repaired everything, but only after I had pointed them out !!!!)

Once again...Kiitos

Viestit: 780
Liittynyt: 11 Maalis 2003, 13:01
Car(s): Accord :-(. ex-Alfat: 156TS, 156V6, 166TS

CBR1000RR Fireblade, Lynx Rave 600 etec
Paikkakunta: Oulu

Viesti Kirjoittaja MP »

In my ex-156 the trailing arm bushes at rear in both ends had to replaced. have you checked them as well? In my case they were so obviously loose that it was not possible to miss them.

Diffucult to say whats wrong with your car without seeing it. Hopefully you 'll find out there is nothing wrong as it looks/sounds like.

Viestit: 96
Liittynyt: 19 Helmi 2006, 15:41
Car(s): 916 Spider 3.0 Busso
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Viesti Kirjoittaja markus_p »

Wayne kirjoitti:Edellä luetellut viat ja puutteet on korjattava mahdollisimman pian. Jälkitarkastuksessa, joka on suoritettava samalla katsastusasemalla viimeistään kohdassa 1. mainittuna päivänä, tarkastetaan tässä tarkastuskortissa mainitut viat ja puutteet.
I could translate this part for you...

"The faults mentioned above have to be fixed as soon as possible. In the re-inspection, which has to be done in the same place as the first inspection at the latest on the day mentioned in part 1, the faults mentioned in this inspection report will be inspected again."

Hope it all goes well! :)

Viestit: 5
Liittynyt: 28 Loka 2006, 22:33

Viesti Kirjoittaja Wayne »


Thats what I actually thought it was saying (or there abouts !!)


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