Tästähän saadaan halutessamme loppumaton debatti

. Meinaan tuntuu siltä, ettei vedenpitävää tieteellistä selitystä löydy asiaan. Italian ja arabian kielen taitoiset pääsevät alkukielisiin datohin käsiksi, itselle ne eivät kumpikaan taivu.
" Where the symbol itself comes from and what it means has been a subject of ongoing debate. Here are some leading theories:
It refers to a local legend of a dragon which tormented the land in the fifth century and was slaughtered by Uberto, Squire of Angera.
It’s the crest used by archbishop Ottone Visconti when leading crusaders into battle against Saracens (Syrians/Muslims) during the first crusade, a Biblical symbol of divine protection.
It’s the crest on the shield of the nomadic Saracen knight Visconti defeated, which he took with him as proof of his victory.
The serpent represents the House of Visconti’s itself, a symbol meant to seem intimidating to others.
The serpent is orally giving birth to a human being, coming out a “new man, purified and renewed,” just as the creature itself is one of renewal through skin-shedding (according to Alfa Romeo representatives).
It represents the snakes Lombards wore around their necks for good luck"
Poliittisesti korrektein selitys lienee käärmeestä tapahtumava "puhdistava" jälleensyntyminen.