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Minä ja mun alfa33 ajattiin tosi iso kolari just nyt.

Lähetetty: 25 Syys 2004, 11:11
Kirjoittaja Bulgarian_Stallion
Hi guys, well i just came home. I'll write this in english but i hope most of u will understand.Alfa's completely smashed, im ok just a few bruises and a cut head, but life is still here. So this is what happened, i was driving on a big road (mechelininkatu) with about 50km/h and then all of a sudden out of nowhere popped out a Scoda Octavia taxi car doing maybe 70-80 behind a triangle (hesperiankatu)and BAM straight into me.Well luckily im alive, and i had two passengers in the back they're also alive. And everybody in the taxi is alive. My alfa is completely smashed, the officer that came to the situation told me that I basically saved my life, since i noticed the car right before it hit me and managed to turn a bit to the left so that its front hit my right side. Otherwise i would have continued straight into it, and could have flown out of the window, which would have been a sure death. Now the car is in the insurance garage, and they'll take a look at it on monday and tell me how much the damage is worth and how much i will receive. But i'm also pressing charges on the taxi driver (who was a russian woman) since i had a couple of mild concusions.anyways guys i just really really want to make a point here that no matter how good of a driver u are your life is not in your hands, which sucks. But god bless the situation, because i had two of my friends who at least one of them always and i mean ALWAYS sits in the passenger seat, but this time he chose to ride in the back, and the blow was so hard that the front passanger would have been dead since the blow managed to squash my whole right front part, basically when i came to my senses i noticed that the right door was halfway to the passenger seat..well guys thats pretty much the whole story, just thank god that im alive, and well in the best case i might get some good money out of this, in the worst i'll get some lousy 500eur for my car, even though i was selling it for 4000eur...
but at least im alive, fuck the money...
:( :( :( This was just the first time i was in a real accident and damn...i dont know what to say..anyway comments from u guys will really b helpful at this point, thanx

Lähetetty: 25 Syys 2004, 16:17
Kirjoittaja V6
huh :shock: onneksi kaikki selvisivät hengissä.

Lähetetty: 25 Syys 2004, 18:02
Kirjoittaja rim
Lucky you with this accident, it easier to get new Alfa than get a new life !

Lähetetty: 25 Syys 2004, 19:46
Kirjoittaja Rolle
Suddenly your life can change, not everybody are as lucky as you where! First you fight about your life and the reward is a fight with the insurance asshole.. You should be happy if you get even near 2000e for the car :? The insurance guy doesn't really care about your opinion when there are similar for sale at about 1000e, but give him a good fight.

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 01:19
Kirjoittaja wetear
You were the lucky strike for that lady on her escape from east - She might have ended to the see with that speed :roll:

Its good to hear that you all are alright.

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 02:47
Kirjoittaja eltsu
Rolle kirjoitti:reward is a fight with the insurance asshole..
Joskus täräytin Subarulla kolmion takaa tulleen Nissanin kylkeen ja Leone tietysti lunastukseen... koitti tarjota autosta 4000 mk. Lopullinen hinta jonka sain pienen tinkauksen/tappelun jälkeen oli 7500 mk. Eli aina kannattaa yrittää tingata hintaa ylöspäin. Listata kaikki asiat jotka autoon huollettu/vaihdettu lähiaikoina yms. Ainakin mulla vertasi samanikäisiin Keltaisessa Pörssissä ja arpoi alkuhinnan sieltä.

Mutta silti tietysti tärkeintä ettei tullut henkilö vahinkoja... :-D

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 02:53
Kirjoittaja vanadoo
Hyvä että selvisitte kolarista ehjinä.
Itselläni on samanlainen 33:nen ja mielenkiinnolla odotan vakuutusyhtiösi päätöstä autosi arvosta.
Muutamia vuosia minulta varastettiin erittäin hyväkuntoinen Alfa helsingin satamasta. Se löytyi muutaman viikon kuluttua hylättynä samasta kaupungista, joten sain omani takaisin.

Mielenkiintoisia keskusteluja kävin silloin vakuutusyhtiön edustajien kanssa, mikä tulisi olemaan Alfani arvo heidän mielestään.

Lopullista hinta-arviota en ehtinyt saamaan, mutta A-vakuutuksen edustajan mielestä autoni poikkeuksellisen hyvä kunto ei olisi voinut nostaa korvaussummaa korkeammaksi mitä sen yleinen "ostohinta" markkinoilla oli.

Oletan sinulle käyvän samalla tavalla ja vaikka autollasi olisi sinulle itsellesi todellista käyttö- ja tunnearvoa niin sen todellinen markkina-arvo jää alle tuhannen euron.
Toivottavasti olen väärässä ja saat järkevän korvauksen Alfastasi, mutta huomatessani kuinka paljon vakuutusyhtiöt suoranaisesti pettävät vakuutuksen ottajia määritellessään iäkkään auton arvoa, lopetin Alfastani kaikki ylimääräiset varkaus ja kaskovakuutukset, sillä muutaman vuoden vakuutusmaksuilla pystyn ostamaan jo uuden auton.

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 03:02
Kirjoittaja Italian Stallion
Just stay calm and hang in there! Such is life, it can end when ever. Huh huh! Then back in the Alfa-business. When you meet the "insurance guys", don´t give up. It helps, if you can tell them exactly what you have done to the car. All services and repairs and so on. You need to convince them, that you just might have the damn best Alfa in the world and that it was important to you, not just a car. One asshole in Oulu wrecked my car (Fiat 850 in 1995) when it was parked. My car was just painted and it was technically ok. They said, that repairing of this car is more expensive, than the value of this vehicle is. I started to tell what I have done for the car and how much it meant to me. He (insurance company guy) decided to give me 70% of the estimated repairing costs and I could keep the wreck. Payment was 3800 mk. Next week I bought "new" Fiat 850, which was in great condition. I paid 3500 mk for it. Keep the faith! (Bon Jovi) :)

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 05:01
Kirjoittaja Bulgarian_Stallion
well guys thanx alot for the advice, and encouragment..I have a meeting with the Tapiola insurance guy on monday. But before that i gotta go to the hospital to get a check up since my body was more wrecked then i thought, got some pretty bad bruises. Anyways here's a pic of the car and the damage. ... ff77ede76c
i just really hope that they dont tell me that the price of my car is 1000eur,i got 600eur because one guy hit my etupuskuri under a month ago so it would b crazy to give me for the whole car 1000eur.

Re: Minä ja mun alfa33 ajattiin tosi iso kolari just nyt.

Lähetetty: 26 Syys 2004, 18:09
Kirjoittaja Giri
Bulgarian_Stallion kirjoitti:Otherwise i would have continued straight into it, and could have flown out of the window, which would have been a sure death.
Yep, for sure if your seatbelt wasn't fastened. Otherwise it would probably have been the taxidriver suffering more with the blow coming from the side. The seatbelt saved me once in a pretty bad crash with the car rolling over a few times. That really taught me the importance of wearing it even on really short drives. Good luck with the insurance company!